Altair PSIM™
Accelerating power electronics and motor drive design
PSIM has been a leading power electronics and motor drive simulation and design software for over 25 years. With an intuitive, user-friendly interface and a robust simulation engine, PSIM is the all-in-one solution that meets users’ simulation and design needs.
PSIM can handle quick power converter loss calculations, motor drive efficiency calculations, conducted EMI analysis, and analog/digital control. PSIM also offers automatic embedded code generation for rapid control prototyping. Additionally, with PSIM’s various Design Suites, users can design power supplies, electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters, and motor drive systems quickly and conveniently.
PSIM also integrates seamlessly with other Altair products (Activate, Embed, Flux/FluxMotor, MotionSolve) and with third-party software, and offers an integrated solution for multi-domain, multi-physics systems.
Dedicated to Power Electronics and Motor Drives
Parametric blocks automate repetitive tasks by allowing users to create one block instead of lots of similar, separate block definitions. You can create both 2D and 3D block definitions using the same set of tools and workflow that you are familiar with.
Superior Simulation Capabilities
PSIM’s unique ability to reliably converge means users can spend more time performing simulations and less time fixing simulations.
Robust Design Tools and Suites
PSIM provides design suites for power supplies (including resonant LLC converters), motor drives, EMI analysis and filter design, and HEV powertrain systems for rapid design solutions.
Links to Third-Party Tools
Use your favorite design and simulation tools with PSIM by utilizing its co-simulation capabilities that link to MATLAB Simulink, Questa/ModelSim, LTspice, and any FMI-supporting software.
Easy Abstraction Functionalities
PSIM provides various levels of model complexity so users can optimize simulations to meet specific simulation goals.
Vast Support and Resource Library
With hundreds of examples and videos, PSIM’s resource library has tutorials and on-demand webinars that help users get the most from PSIM.
Key Features
Active Switch Simulation
Simulate high-speed switching without the convergence issues typically seen in other tools due to large derivatives in current and voltage waveforms.
Quick Power Loss Simulations
Calculate the switching and conduction losses of switching devices (diodes, MOSFET, IGBT, SiC/GaN devices) as well as the core and winding losses of inductors – without slowing down simulation speeds.
Embedded Code Generation
Let your code be a self-starter and generate high-quality, consistent C code from a PSIM control schematic to boost designs’ speed and reduce development costs and time-to-market.
Easy Design Verification
PSIM has intuitive design verification tools, including Monte Carlo, Sensitivity, and Fault Analysis to assist Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) of power converter designs.
C-block Capabilities
Enter custom C code directly into the c-block without a compiler. PSIM will automatically interpret and execute at runtime by a built-in C interpreter.
Link to SPICE software and study parasitic interactions and gate drive circuits in the PSIM environment. The library of SPICE models lets users analyze particular devices in detail.